If you need a digital copy of one of the images below, email [email protected]
December 9, 2017: A crowd of children showed up at the Brainerd VFW. Mike Williams played Christmas music on his harmonica.
Then food was served. It wasn't long before Santa Clause arrived to greet the kids and ask what they wanted for Christmas. He even had his photo with some of the larger kids. Santa told everyone that he doesn't want diet or small cookies. Be sure to leave LARGE cookies when he stops by! A GI's Christmas Poem
Then food was served. It wasn't long before Santa Clause arrived to greet the kids and ask what they wanted for Christmas. He even had his photo with some of the larger kids. Santa told everyone that he doesn't want diet or small cookies. Be sure to leave LARGE cookies when he stops by! A GI's Christmas Poem
December 7, 2017: The Brainerd High School Robotics Club held a fundraiser dinner at the VFW. It was a full house. The young robotics enthusiasts showed off their creations too.
November 11, 2017: All Veterans Memorial Dedicated: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-11a-17-all-vets-memorial.html
November 10, 2017: Veterans Day at Brainerd High School: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-10b-17-high-school.html
November 10, 2017: Veterans Day at Riverside Elementary School: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-10a-17-riverside-school.html
November 8, 2017: Work on the All Veterans memorial: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-08a-17-all-vets-memorial.html
November 10, 2017: Veterans Day at Brainerd High School: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-10b-17-high-school.html
November 10, 2017: Veterans Day at Riverside Elementary School: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-10a-17-riverside-school.html
November 8, 2017: Work on the All Veterans memorial: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/11-08a-17-all-vets-memorial.html
October 23, 2017: There was a flag raising and dedication ceremony at a new home for Ray Lindberg, a disabled veteran. The location is Red Pine Road, east of Brainerd. Built by Habitat for Humanity with local hands, it includes 500 hours of Ray's labor. The Honor Guard was there along with Ray's family and the news media as Ray received the key to his new home. The last three images in this story are hand painted murals on Ray's garage.
Friday, October 20, 2017: The annual VFW and Auxiliary Membership Dinner was held. The post received a $1000 check from Walmart. That money came from wages that would have been paid to Walmart employees who volunteered to provide and serve food at the annual VFW and Auxiliary picnic, back in August. Many thanks all around.
September 9, 2017: Bataan Memorial March in Brainerd. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/09-09a-17-bataan.html
August 27, 2017. The Annual Brainerd VFW Membership Picnic was at St. Mathias Park. Well attended and lots of fun. Thanks to Walmart for donating most of the food and bringing volunteers to cook, then serve it.
August 11, 2017: Chicken dinner with corn on the cob and potato salad at the Brainerd VFW. Happy people, another successful night.
July 19, 2017, bottom photos: The Art Barn came to the Brainerd VFW. It was a fun and creative night for participants who painted. Nice theme.
July 19, 2017, bottom photos: The Art Barn came to the Brainerd VFW. It was a fun and creative night for participants who painted. Nice theme.
July 17, 2017: VFW Sponsored Softball in Brainerd: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/07-17a-17-baseball.html
July 5, 2017 Wounded Warrior Softball Game: http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/07-07a-17-wounded-warriors.html
June 13, 2017: Bob Marsh, VFW Sports Coordinator, received this photo as a thank-you for hard work and VFW sponsorship of baseball.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017: Flag Day 2017 in Brainerd, Minnesota. Ceremonies were held at Woodland Acres and the All Veterans Memorial. Great weather. The Geritol Frolics was there singing The Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, and God Bless America among other tunes. Nicely done.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017: A Red Cross blood drive was held at the Brainerd VFW. Nice turnout. In the first photo is Deb Strobel of Brainerd. Taking blood was Megan McDaniel from St, Cloud. Deb is a 2-gallon donor so far. Good going, Deb! The second photo shows Adam Kleist of Brainerd with Sherry Vennis of Buffalo drawing blood.
Good things to eat the the VFW including pizza at the bar, Sunday breakfast, Wednesday chicken wings, and pie at times. In the middle row, Hailey Schnortz was deep frying chick wings while her grandmother Tammy was serving.
For a limited time only, purchase a red "Home of the Free" shirt and get a free drink on Wednesday.
Good things to eat the the VFW including pizza at the bar, Sunday breakfast, Wednesday chicken wings, and pie at times. In the middle row, Hailey Schnortz was deep frying chick wings while her grandmother Tammy was serving.
For a limited time only, purchase a red "Home of the Free" shirt and get a free drink on Wednesday.
Monday, May 29, 2017: Memorial Day Ceremonies in Brainerd. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/05-29a-17-memorial-day.html
Saturday, May 27, 2017: Preparing for Memorial Day. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/05-27a-17-flags.html
Thursday, May 25, 2017: Radio interviews about Memorial Day. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/05-25-17-radio-interview.html
Saturday, April 22, 2017: Tour the Nevada Veterans Memorial http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/04-22c-17-memorial.html
Saturday, May 27, 2017: Preparing for Memorial Day. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/05-27a-17-flags.html
Thursday, May 25, 2017: Radio interviews about Memorial Day. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/05-25-17-radio-interview.html
Saturday, April 22, 2017: Tour the Nevada Veterans Memorial http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/04-22c-17-memorial.html
Sunday, April 9, 2017: This was the 75th Anniversary of the Bataan Death March. Families of those who died and interested citizens gathered for a wreath laying ceremony at the Brainerd National Guard Armory. Soldiers from the 34th Tank Company from Brainerd were serving in the Philippines in 1941 at the beginning of World War II. They ran out of food and ammunition as Japanese troops advanced across the Bataan peninsula. Of the original 64 officers and men in the Brainerd group, three were killed in action, 29 died as prisoners of war, and 29 survived captivity. The names of those who died were read and dog tags for each one were hung on the gun barrel of an M3 Stewart Tank. It is the same type of tank that was used by U.S. forces defending Bataan at the time. A salute to those who died. The United States was unprepared for war back in 1941. The Japanese had a complete disregard for the lives of prisoners and treated them very badly. The tags are a grim reminder of those who lost their lives in the defense of freedom, 29 of them while prisoners of the Japanese.
Saturday, April 8, 2017: The Brainerd VFW was pleased to be host to a rank promotion ceremony for Sheyla Jensen-Boyes of the Army National Guard. Pinning Specialist 4th Class insignia on Sheyla was her mother Kim, who is a Veterans Administrative Specialist at the Crow Wing County Veterans Service Office. Command Sergeant Major Weidnbach was there to congratulate her on the achievement. Sheyla is battling cancer. The day was also a fund raiser to help defray costs of travel and lodging while she undergoes treatment in Minneapolis. There were several $500 contributions and there was a silent auction. All went well.
March 31, 2017. There was a spaghetti benefit dinner for Brainerd High School Baseball. This VFW Post sponsors Sophomore and Senior teams. Thanks to all those who attended to make this a success. We wish the Brainerd players success this season.
Monday, March 20, 2017: A bus load of veterans from the Bemidji area including six from Brainerd went to the Minnesota State Capital for Vets on the Hill Day. The goal was to talk with legislators about bills affecting veterans. (bottom left) Representative John Poston from Lake Shore, MN. (bottom center) Representative Dale Lueck from Aitkin, MN. (bottom right) Representative Josh Heintzeman.
Saturday, February 11, 2017: A Color Guard from the VFW, Legion, and DAV led the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Brainerd.
Temperatures were below freezing, but that didn't keep the guys from leading the parade that day.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017: An award was given at the regular post membership meeting. Matt Gilgenbach received a beautifully hand-made blanket from Suzanne Fussy of the Quilts of Honor group.
There is a drive to collect pull tabs from pop and beer cans to raise money to help Polytrauma and Traumatic Brain Injured vets. These are veterans with multiple injuries who need help. You can do your part by bringing pop top pull tabs into the Brainerd VFW. Just let the bartender (Jimmy V in this case) know you have some. It is veterans helping veterans. Your tabs will be added to a growing collection to support the effort. Thank You. Don't forget wings on Wednesdays at the VFW.
March 22, 2017: The Traveling Art Pub returned to the Brainerd VFW. Lots of creative fun.
Temperatures were below freezing, but that didn't keep the guys from leading the parade that day.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017: An award was given at the regular post membership meeting. Matt Gilgenbach received a beautifully hand-made blanket from Suzanne Fussy of the Quilts of Honor group.
There is a drive to collect pull tabs from pop and beer cans to raise money to help Polytrauma and Traumatic Brain Injured vets. These are veterans with multiple injuries who need help. You can do your part by bringing pop top pull tabs into the Brainerd VFW. Just let the bartender (Jimmy V in this case) know you have some. It is veterans helping veterans. Your tabs will be added to a growing collection to support the effort. Thank You. Don't forget wings on Wednesdays at the VFW.
March 22, 2017: The Traveling Art Pub returned to the Brainerd VFW. Lots of creative fun.
Friday, March 17, 2017: St. Patrick's Day. http://gilbertlodge.com/2017/03-17a-17-st-patricks.html
Saturday, March 4, 2017: Over 500 people gathered at Breezy Point Resort for a Polar Plunge. It is one of 23 such events held around Minnesota by law enforcement to raise money for Special Olympics. Winning the team costume competition was Brainerd VFW Post 1647. Post Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson dressed as a woman that day. Lots of cold wet people that day including Chuck Hanson and his daughter Bergen. The theme of the day was, "freezin for a reason." In total, there was 275 jumpers, including super moms, raising $75,000 for this charity event. Good going! Several million dollars were raised across the state last year.