January 12 - 14, 2024: The Department of Minnesota Midwinter Conference was held at the JW Marriott NW in Brooklyn Park, MN. Eight Brainerd VFW members were there. Dignitaries included VFW National Quartermaster General Marc Garduno and Auxiliary National Chaplain Donna Mills. There were many good Buddy Poppy displays, as seen below. Those honored this year included Lisa Fabre, Grade 1-3 Teacher of the Year, Michael Bass-Smith, Grade 6-8 Teacher of the Year and David Leppke, and Grade 9-12 Teacher of the Year. The Patriot's Pen first place winner was Sreshna Patange from Eden Prairie, MN. Taking first place in the Voice of Democracy competition was Lydia Prout from Burtram, MN, a junior in the Melrose Area High School. Lots to learn at the many sessions.
Report by Sue Sterling, Brainerd VFW Auxiliary President: Minnesota Mid-Winter Conference that was held January 12-14 in Brooklyn Park. The winners of the Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen contests from the nine MN districts were announced. This year a more formal banquet was held in their honor in the grand ballroom of the hotel.
Those from the Brainerd post who attended were Commander Chip Borle and Kari, Sr. Vice Commander Kevin Jensen, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer Dawn Garin, Auxiliary President Sue Sterling, along with Webmaster Mark Persons and Paula.
Those from the Brainerd post who attended were Commander Chip Borle and Kari, Sr. Vice Commander Kevin Jensen, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer Dawn Garin, Auxiliary President Sue Sterling, along with Webmaster Mark Persons and Paula.
January 13 - 15, 2023: The Annual Minnesota VFW Midwinter Conference was held at the Marriott NW in Brooklyn Park. Nine Brainerd VFW post and auxiliary members Went to dinner the first night at Pittsburgh Blue.
Lots of good conversation over two days of conference. Plenty to learn at the sessions too.
Thanks to Lynda Hummel for all the hats she made for us to donate to the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterens. MACV
supports Veterans to prevent homelessness and
hunger and other necessities. (l-r) Brainerd Auxiliary Trustee Paula Persons (wearing poppies) and Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer Dawn Garin (wearing stars).
January 21-23, 2022, The Department of Minnesota VFW Midwinter Conference was be held at the Minneapolis City Center Marriott. In attendance from Brainerd Post 1647 were Commander Chip Borle, his wife Kari, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Kevin Jensen, Chuck Hanson, Auxiliary President Sue Sterling and Dawn Garin. Thanks to Chip Borle and Sue Sterling for the photos.
Ashley Homme of Rochester, MN, was first place winner in the 2021-2022 Minnesota VFW Voice of Democracy competition. She is a junior in high school.
7th grader Eva Kolomyski of Woodbury was the 2021-2022 Minnesota VFW Patriot's Pen competition winner.
The Brainerd VFW Auxiliary (President Sue Sterling in photo) took first place in the Poppy Display Competition, Category Three. Well done!
January 17-19, 2020: Minnesota VFW Midwinter Conference in downtown Minneapolis. Present from the Brainerd VFW were Commander Chip Borle, Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Chaplain/Webmaster Mark Persons, Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson, Yvette Stoliker and Tim Brastrup, along with Auxiliary members Kari Borle and Paula Persons. State winners of Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy were honored. Lots of interesting sessions. The Brainerd VFW gave a check for $6000 and the Auxiliary $425 to Minnesota VFW.