Still Serving - The Brainerd, MN, Honor Guard/Color Guard is a coordinated effort of the Brainerd VFW, the Brainerd American Legion and Crow Wing County Disabled American Veterans. Each member wears a designated hat and appropriate uniform. They are often seen at area schools demonstrating flag folding and answering questions. The group is headed by Jeff McArthur 320-360-6597, assisted by Dave Meyer 218-829-0608, and Mike Williams.
To clarify, they are called an Honor Guard when performing at over 100 funerals each year. They are Color Guards when in parades and numerous ceremonies in the community. You will find them in funerals at the Minnesota State Veteran Cemetery near Camp Ripley on the first Friday of every month, summer and winter.
Every U.S. veteran is entitled to have the Honor Guard at his or her funeral. Said simply, the Guard is there for fallen comrades. Normally funeral homes contact the Guard, but anyone can ask. The usual format is for the Guard to come to attention, then fire a three-volley rifle salute, followed by taps. Brass shell casings are collected and given to the families. Some families don't want rifle fire. The Guard will comply when requested.
They are the role models and patriotic instructors to our school children, as well as the presenters of honor at local veteran funerals. We owe them a debt of gratitude for all the time and effort they have given the community.
Brainerd Honor Guard members are a dedicated crew, honoring the fallen and showing the colors.
An Honor Guard ceremony was held at the All Veteran's Memorial in Brainerd on Veterans Day, November 11, 2020. First, eight inches of snow had to be cleared. Thanks to Steve Kohls of the Brainerd Dispatch Newspaper for the video. |
Contributions are accepted for the Honor Guard. Uniforms need to be dry cleaned and/or replaced to keep them looking sharp. Then there are ammunition, repairs and cleaning supplies.
June 4, 2021: The Brainerd Honor Guard participates in funerals at at a Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery, near Camp Ripley, each month.
The Guard wears formal uniforms at parades, ceremonies and funerals.
Color Guard/Honor Guard members are given jackets to wear in public, identifying them as part of this elite group of veterans.
The jackets are fine polished leather, reminiscent of those worn by World War Two pilots. Shown here is Mike Williams, Jr., Brainerd VFW Vice Commander. He assists Sr. Vice Commander Dave Meyer in coordinating the unit. |
Mike is sometimes seen in colorful ties and 194th Regiment hat.
August 27. 2022: The Brainerd Honor Guard offered a rifle salute, with Taps, to Elias Fenstermacher, the last American Civil War Veteran in Crow Wing County. He died in 1948 at the age of 97 and is buried in Evergreen cemetery in Brainerd. A number of his decedents were present at the ceremony. A chaplain read prayers. The master of ceremonies was Jim Johnson of Brainerd (in Civil War uniform), a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. He reminded the crowd that this soldier fought in the Minnesota regiment of the Civil War so that his descendants might live in peace today. Facebook.
A soldier did today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icqq8EDTkts