Aluminum Can Tabs Wanted:
Please continue to save and drop off your aluminum can tabs/pull tabs for polytrauma units at veteran hospitals. The money goes to take disabled veterans on field trips away from the hospitals. There is a box in the bar area for the donations. If you don’t see it, please ask a bartender. Thanks.
April 18, 2022: Brainerd VFW collected aluminum can tabs that resulted in a $1,746 donation to the polytrauma unit in the Twin Cities. Keep saving tabs for the next donation.
Please remove aluminum can tabs and put them in the box that 17-year-old Gillian Middagh built as an Eagle Scout project in 2023. Save and bring in tabs from your home too. Thank You.
There is a trailer for pop cans on the east side of the VFW building. It is a Cub Scout Pack #36 project. The Pack is sponsored by this VFW post.