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Saturday, December 14, 2019: The annual Children's Christmas Program was held at the Brainerd VFW. Mark Persons read Twas the Night Before Christmas. Mike Williams played harmonica and sang while Donnie Shogren played piano for the sing-along. The Auxiliary provided food for all and presents for the kids. Santa showed up to delight all including oldsters. Twas the Night Before Christmas
December 5, 2019: A Minnesota National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter crashed near Marty, MN, about 16 miles southwest of St. Cloud. All three of the guardsmen aboard were killed. NBC News. A memorial was set up nearby on a barren lonely landscape honoring the dead. Thanks to Yvette Stoliker, member of the Brainerd VFW, for the photo.
November 28, 2019: The Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner was held at the Brainerd American Legion. Volunteers and funds came from the Brainerd VFW, Legion, Elks, and Eagles. 350 meals were delivered by police and fire department volunteers. More than 800 turkey meals were served that day with mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetables and, of course, pumpkin pie. Spotted at the event from the Brainerd VFW were Commander Chip Borle, his family, Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer, Junior Vice Commander Mike Williams, Chaplain/photographer Mark Persons, Yvette Stoliker and Auxiliary Vice President Helen Doucette.
Friday, November 15, 2019: The Crow Wing County chapter of 4H held a fund raising Chicken Alfredo Dinner at the Brainerd VFW. It pretty much filled the place with happy people.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019: The Center in Brainerd held a free dinner for 130 veterans. Crow Wing County Veteran Service Officer Erik Flowers was the main speaker. Brainerd's Honor Guard/Color Guard was there too. There was patriotic music, then door prizes.
Monday, November 11, 2019: Veterans Day in Brainerd, MN. Photos below are from Riverside Elementary School, the Brainerd High School, The All Veterans Memorial and Harrison Elementary school. The Brainerd Color Guard was there.
This was also Walt Straka Day in Brainerd. Walt is the one remaining Brainerd survivor, at age 100, of the Bataan Death March in World War Two. Lt. Colonel Joshua Simer of the Minnesota National Guard was the main speaker at the high school. He told the story of the Japanese murdering 14 million Chinese at the beginning of WWII and how that led to the Bataan Death March, which killed more than 5000.
Quilts of Valor were handed to veterans that day too.
This was also Walt Straka Day in Brainerd. Walt is the one remaining Brainerd survivor, at age 100, of the Bataan Death March in World War Two. Lt. Colonel Joshua Simer of the Minnesota National Guard was the main speaker at the high school. He told the story of the Japanese murdering 14 million Chinese at the beginning of WWII and how that led to the Bataan Death March, which killed more than 5000.
Quilts of Valor were handed to veterans that day too.
Friday, October 18, 2019: The annual Membership Dinner was held at the Brainerd VFW. It was an opportunity to pay membership dues and receive a free dinner served by volunteers.
September 13-15, 2019: The Minnesota State VFW Fall Conference was held in Mahnomen, MN. The Brainerd VFW was well represented. Lots of speeches, learning and fun....including Brainerd's Dawn Garin wearing a "poppy hat."
Photos from August 29 & 31, 2019, public events at Safari North honoring veterans and a dedication of the Veteran's Garden at Woodland Good Samaritan nursing home. The Brainerd VFW played a prominent role in each.
Sunday, August 25, 2019: The Brainerd VFW held its annual picnic at St. Mathias. Lots of people, lots of food, and lots of fun. Many thanks to Walmart of Baxter for supplying much of the food, along with ten employees to cook and serve.
August 7 - 11, 2019: The Minnesota State VFW Baseball Tournament was held in Brainerd, sponsored by Brainerd VFW Post 1647. The first place winner was from Sauk Rapids/Foley VFW Post 6992. Montrose Post 1901 took second. Spring Lake Park/Mounds View Post 6587 was third. Chaska Post 1791 was fourth. Details. |
August 6, 2019: The Nisswa A&W Restaurant was a part of the nationwide Root Beer Floats Day.
Customers donated to the Disabled American Veterans organization and received free root beer floats. Trolling for Troops was there on this date with a boat.
Customers donated to the Disabled American Veterans organization and received free root beer floats. Trolling for Troops was there on this date with a boat.
July 30, 2019: The annual Crow Wing County Fair in Brainerd opened with a color guard ceremony and was well received. The Guard is made up of members from the Brainerd VFW, Brainerd Legion, and Crow Wing County DAV. The Crow Wing County Civil Air Patrol was there too.
Saturday, July 13, 2019: Funeral services were held for Richard Dean "Dick" Ashmun, 91 of Brainerd. Dick was a patriot serving two years in the U.S. Army and seven years in the National Guard 194th Regiment active reserve during the Korean conflict. He received the Crow Wing County Citizen of the Year award and the Outstanding Senior Citizen of the Year award for public service, including supporting all of the local military veteran organizations. Twenty Honor Guard members were there for the ceremony.
July 4, 2019: Independence Day in Brainerd, MN, including the parade with a Color Guard from the Legion, VFW and DAV.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019: Brainerd Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer picked as Community Member of the Month
Sunday afternoon, June 9, 2019: There was a dedication ceremony of a monument to World War II veterans at Memorial Park, also known as Mills Field in Brainerd. It is in honor of the 16 million American servicemen and women, of which 416,800 died in the conflict. They were America’s greatest generation. The project was headed up by Maurice “Maury” Mogensen, past commander of the Brainerd VFW. Brainerd Mayor Ed Menk welcomed the addition to the city. The main speaker was Tony Sailer of Brainerd who told of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 as “a day which will live in infamy.” Germany’s Adolph Hitler said Americans were soft. It was America’s greatest generation that won through to a final victory of unconditional surrender of the forces of evil. Contributions to build the monument came from local organizations including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Eagles, Elks, Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star.
Monday, May 27, 2019: Memorial Day ceremonies were held in Brainerd. It was a coordinated effort with Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, the VFW/Legion/DAV Honor Guard, Brainerd High Band, Memorial Day Committee and more. Many hundreds attended honoring the sacrifices of those who died protecting freedom. Lunch was at the Brainerd American Legion.
May 2019: Preparations were underway for Memorial Day ceremonies in Brainerd. VFW auxiliary members put wreaths together while the guys were out with Baxter Pack 36 Cub Scouts planting flags in Memorial Gardens and Evergreen Cemetery. Then a shelter was dedicated at the Northland Arboretum. It was an Eagle Scout project by Andrew Bontjes of Boy Scout Troop 36 in Baxter, MN. The Brainerd VFW helped with money. Baxter's mayor was there along with the Legion/VFW/DAV Honor Guard. Andrew is going on to pursue a data sciences education at South Dakota State University.
Sunday, May 19, 2019: The annual VFW Post 1647 Memorial Service was held honoring those in the post and auxiliary who had passed away this year. An awe-inspiring ceremony. Click on the photo or here for the full story.
Sunday, May 19, 2019: The Brainerd VFW sponsored softball team came in to volunteer preparing and serving the monthly VFW breakfast. They did a great job. You can see the team play at Mills/Memorial Field in Northeast Brainerd on Friday evenings starting at about 6:30 pm.
May 14, 2019: Harry Ruikka Jr. brought his dirt track race car to Post 1647 for everyone to see. It is emblazoned with patriotic images and normally runs at North Central Speedway, south of Brainerd. He even let VFW members sign it. Harry and his proud father are seen in the upper left photo. Harry Sr. is a veteran of the Vietnam War, serving in Thailand and an active member of Post 1647.
May 17, 2019: Members and friends of Post 1647 were out offering Buddy Poppies for donations to help needy veterans.
May 17, 2019: Members and friends of Post 1647 were out offering Buddy Poppies for donations to help needy veterans.
Saturday, April 13, 2019: The Brainerd VFW opened its meeting hall so the Brainerd Warrior High School Trap and Skeet Team could hold a fund raising dinner. It was well attended by the public. The team is made up of boys and girls ages 9 to 12. The Brainerd VFW also contributes monetarily to their cause. Shooters were out practicing the next day at the Lakeshore Rod and Gun Club range on the west side of Gull Lake.
April 9, 2019: The Brainerd VFW was presented with a certificate of appreciation for service to youth from the Boy Scouts of America. Commander Chip Borle accepted the award at a regular VFW monthly meeting. April 10, 2019: Volunteers gathered at the Brainerd VFW to assemble poppies on cards, which started to be delivered April 16th to businesses donating money to help needy veterans. That's the Brainerd VFW. April 17, 22 & 23rd, Post member Mark Persons was interviewed on six Brainerd radio stations promoting the Poppy campaign. The lower right photo is with Danny and Mac on the KLIZ-FM Power Loon morning show.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019: There was a ceremony at the Brainerd National Guard Armory. It was the 77th anniversary of the fall of Bataan in the Philippines at the start of World War II. What followed was the infamous Bataan Death March were Japanese invaders forced civilians and military defenders to walk 60 miles without food or water. Along the way, Over 5000 died, including over 500 Americans, of which 29 were from Brainerd. Walt Straka (3rd photo top right) is the only Brainerd man left alive today. The Brainerd Honor Guard was there. About 200 attended the event.
Saturday, April 6, 2019: The 13th Annual Downtown Golf Tournament. Contestants traveled in groups and played miniature golf in thirteen downtown locations The Brainerd VFW was one of them. Happy people competed while raising money for Brainerd Restoration. The VFW was glad to be a part of that.
Thursday, April 4, 2018: Helen Doucette, Senior Vice President of the Brainerd VFW Auxiliary, celebrated her 85th birthday. Helen's husband Duane was a Marine who served in Korea. She has been the go-to person for many post activities and is as spry today as she was in her 30s. Lots of food and fun that night. Happy birthday, Helen!
Friday, March 22, 2019: An event, "Remembering our Veterans and U.S. Military" was held at the Brainerd VFW. A Gold Star Mother Shirley Kuhn told of losing her son. It was an emotional talk. Then Brainerd's Mayor Ed Menk told of how important it is to remember those who have kept us free. Baxter Mayor Daryl Olson spoke of his father who used the VFW as an "anchor" in his life to keep him going emotionally after his service in World War Two. A red, white and blue tree with flags was lit to show our devotion to those who serve in harm's way. That included a gold star at the top representing families who lost loved ones in service to our country. This was a Brainerd VFW Auxiliary event. About 45 were in in attendance. Kelly Humphrey was there from the Brainerd Dispatch newspaper. Her story appeared in the Sunday, March 24, 2019, edition on page A3. Also covering the event as was a reporter from Lakeland Public TV. Thanks to event chairman Tammy Ebertowski and the the Brainerd VFW Auxiliary for putting this event on.
March 20, 2019: Sixteen Brainerd VFW veterans and spouses boarded a bus with eighteen vets from Bemidji to attend the annual Veterans on the Hill in St. Paul. It was a full day experience with about 500 other vets from around the state. They attended speeches at the Cedar Street Armory then it was off to the rotunda in the State Capitol to hear and talk more about veteran legislation. The governor was there along with the VFW state commander. Reg Chapman, a Gulf War veteran, is the only combat veteran news reporter in the Twin Cities. He was there to report and conduct interviews for WCCO-TV. Bus trip and meal expenses were paid by the Minnesota Disabled American Veterans. Our thanks to them.
Saturday, March 16, 2019: The Brainerd VFW was host to the kids costume judging competition as a part of the 19th Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration in downtown Brainerd. Local caricature artist Greg Gray was there to delight the crowd with his drawings. There was a parade through downtown led by the VFW/Legion/DAV Color Guard. Corned beef and cabbage was served by the VFW Auxiliary. Click here for the full story.
Saturday, March 2, 2019: Brainerd VFW Post 1647 participated in the annual Polar Plunge at Breezy Point, MN. The event raised money to help Special Olympics Minnesota. There was a costume judging contest, which was won by the VFW last year. Brainerd VFW Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson was the oldest participant at age 73. He and others from the post jumped in the near-freezing water of Pelican lake in this fund raiser. The Brainerd VFW team raised $5000 for Special Olympics.
February 23, 2019: Jenkins VFW Post 3839 and Brainerd VFW Post 1647 hosted the 2019 Minnesota State VFW Pistol Shooting Competition on Saturday, February 23, 2019. This was an indoor activity, held at Bill’s Gun Shop & Range in Baxter. Event coordinator was Randy “Tex” Stafford from Jenkins.
Nine shooters completed in Open Class and six in the 22 Caliber Class. Four participated in both.
The winners were as follows.
.22 Caliber Class Open Class
1st Ray Cowan, Post 3839 Jenkins 1st Dennis Maddox, Post 5518 Elk River/Rogers
2nd Doug Koenig, Post 6033 Audubon 2nd Michael Gutz, Post 1260 Bemidji
3rd Paula Persons, Post 1647 Brainerd 3rd Doug Koenig, Post 6033 Audubon
The award for the best overall score, for those competing in both classes, went to Doug Koenig from Post 6033 in Audubon. Congratulations to all the winners and competitors for a job well done. Safety rules were followed properly, and all went well. There were two Emergency Medical Technicians on hand. Thanks to the many volunteers, from both posts, who handled registration, did the scoring and cooked food for the participants. The 2020 VFW State Pistol Shoot will be held in Rogers, MN.
Nine shooters completed in Open Class and six in the 22 Caliber Class. Four participated in both.
The winners were as follows.
.22 Caliber Class Open Class
1st Ray Cowan, Post 3839 Jenkins 1st Dennis Maddox, Post 5518 Elk River/Rogers
2nd Doug Koenig, Post 6033 Audubon 2nd Michael Gutz, Post 1260 Bemidji
3rd Paula Persons, Post 1647 Brainerd 3rd Doug Koenig, Post 6033 Audubon
The award for the best overall score, for those competing in both classes, went to Doug Koenig from Post 6033 in Audubon. Congratulations to all the winners and competitors for a job well done. Safety rules were followed properly, and all went well. There were two Emergency Medical Technicians on hand. Thanks to the many volunteers, from both posts, who handled registration, did the scoring and cooked food for the participants. The 2020 VFW State Pistol Shoot will be held in Rogers, MN.
January 18-20, 2019: Minnesota VFW Mid-Winter Conference was held at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center Hotel. A crew from the Brainerd VFW was there. Lots to see, do and learn. Brainerd VFW donated $5000 to the cause.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019: New Years Day was kicked off with a Tom and Jerry Party at the Brainerd VFW. It is an annual tradition. Lots of smiles, even if the participants did stay up late the night before.