People you might meet at VFW Post 1647
in Brainerd, Minnesota, USA |
March 12, 2024: Brad Lamusga joined the Minnesota Army National Guard in 2007 as a Bradley Fighting Vehicle Maintainer. He was later attached and deployed with the 34th Infantry Division, B Company 1-194 Combined Arms Battalion, Red Bulls in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and New Dawn. After his tour, Brad and his wife Susanna moved to Brainerd to start their family. He deployed again in 2019 with 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, A Company of the 834th Aviation Support Battalion, in support of operations Inherent Resolve and Spartan Shield. After retiring in September 2023, Brad and his family enjoy a more leisure life of fishing and hunting, as well as simply going on trips to the Lake Superior north shore. He joined the Brainerd VFW as a life member. Brad is now a professional fishing guide. His company is Lamusga Angling Outdoors.
February 13, 2024: Nicholas "Nick" O'Brien joined the Brainerd VFW as a life member. In 1996 he went through National Guard basic training before graduating from the Brainerd High School in 1997. Nick moved over to the U.S. Navy in 2001 where he was a missile technician aboard the U.S.S. Rhode Island SSBN 740 Gold Crew submarine in the Atlantic Ocean. His other duty station was the Strategic Weapons Facility in Kings Bay, Georgia. Nick left the Navy in 2012 after 16 years in the military. Finally, he returned to the Brainerd area and settled in Baxter, MN. Since then, Nick shot a ten-point deer.
Nick has a job with the U.S. Post Office in Staples, MN. |
November 2, 2023: (l-r) You will often find Tammy Hill and Annetta Wallace in the food service area of the Brainerd VFW. Tammy's husband was a cook in the U.S. Navy for 21 years. He has since passed away, but Tammy is glad to help at the VFW. Annetta's brother Robert Lee Wallace was a sergeant in the U.S. Army and died while serving in Vietnam. Thanks to both of them.
September 12, 2023: Marlin "Darnell" King is a life member of the VFW. He served in the US Army 1978 - 1992 and attained the rank of Sergeant E5. Darnell's military occupational specialty was the Lance Missile System/Multiple Launch Rocket System in Germany and then in Korea in 1988. Then he served in the Army National Guard from 2009 - 2010.
May 10, 2023: Meet Patrick "Pat" Shea, a 20-year Navy veteran. Pat participated in Operation Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Operation Southern Watch. He is a VFW Life Member and lives in Baxter.
May 9, 2023: Sterling Molby is now a life member. His main interest is coordinating blood drives at the Brainerd VFW.
March 14, 2023: Jon Kolstad spent 26 years in the Air Force and the Minnesota Air National Guard. He started as an enlisted man and worked his way up the ranks becoming an officer and finally retiring in 2013 with the rank of Major. Along the way, Jon was deployed to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Italy, Bosnia and Afghanistan. Currently working for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. We welcome Jon Kolstad to the ranks of the Brainerd VFW.
March 9, 2023: Robert "Rob" Fitzsimmons is a Brainerd VFW Auxiliary member. His service was in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1972 to 1996. Rob was a 1st Sergeant (E8) in the 367th Engineering Battalion as a demolition combat engineer.
Rob is a SCUBA diver and a professional photographer. He photographed the State VFW High School Baseball Tournament in 2018 and printed the Brainerd Honor Guard on canvas for the post in 2023.
Rob is a SCUBA diver and a professional photographer. He photographed the State VFW High School Baseball Tournament in 2018 and printed the Brainerd Honor Guard on canvas for the post in 2023.
Mary Cooley-Davis. Mary was born and raised in the Brainerd area. She lived on a farm and graduated from the Brainerd Community College with an Associated Arts degree. Then attended the Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Mary is an ordained minister with two sons, six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Mary is a past Brainerd VFW Auxiliary Jr. Vice President.
Mary's Story: My late husband Daniel Davis served in the Air Force in Vietnam 1969 to 1971. He paid for my life membership in the VFW Auxiliary. The Brainerd VFW post and auxiliary are awesome organizations with many outreaches. I am proud to be a part of this.
Mary's Story: My late husband Daniel Davis served in the Air Force in Vietnam 1969 to 1971. He paid for my life membership in the VFW Auxiliary. The Brainerd VFW post and auxiliary are awesome organizations with many outreaches. I am proud to be a part of this.
March 2, 2023: Ryan Weigelt is a 15-year veteran of the Army National Guard. He served a year in Iraq 2006-07, then again 2011-12. His was a Quartermaster, chemical weapons repair and track vehicle repair soldier. Ryan is a student at Central Lakes College studying robotic manufacturing. A versatile guy, he is also good at marine and small engine repair.
December 8, 2022: Marylyn and Larry Snazda were preparing meat for hamburgers on Thursday night. They are retired and had parents who were VFW members. Both are lifetime auxiliary members at the Brainerd VFW. Thanks to this couple for what they do!
August 16, 2022: Joe Anderson became a new member of the Brainerd VFW. Joe was a Sergeant E5 in the Army and served in Korea 2012 to 2014. His MOS was Signal Intelligence Analysis. Joe is now working at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Brainerd while going to school to become a social worker.
June 14, 2022: Tyler Freeman became the newest life member at the Brainerd VFW. A member of the Air National Guard since 2004, he is now an E8 Senior Master Sergeant. Tyler spent time at a command post in Jordan 2021 - 2022. His civilian job is handling inventory for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Welcome Tyler!
May 30, 2022: Richard Schmidt is a Vietnam veteran. He was a Sergeant E-5, an 11 Bravo Infantryman, with an M60 Machine Gun. Richard is a life member of the Brainerd VFW and Life member of the Crow Wing County Disabled American Veterans. His civilian work has been as a social worker in Mille Lacs County and a St. Cloud children's home. Richard now lives in Brainerd, is an avid fisherman and is often seen in the Brainerd Honor Guard.
January 11, 2022: A big welcome to new Brainerd VFW member Ciara Mitchell who served as a Marine 2015-20. Part of her time was in Bahrain, not far from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Her job was Meteorological and Oceanographic Forecaster.
Ciara retired as a Corporal E4 and now lives in Baxter. She is happy to be a member of the Brainerd VFW to associate with other veterans. You'll also find her on the Women Veterans page.
Her job was Meteorological and Oceanographic Forecaster.
Ciara retired as a Corporal E4 and now lives in Baxter. She is happy to be a member of the Brainerd VFW to associate with other veterans. You'll also find her on the Women Veterans page.
January 11, 2022: Jerry Votava is the new Crow Wing County Veterans Employment Program coordinator. He gave a talk at the Post meeting in January and is moving his VFW life membership to Brainerd. Jerry is working in Hopkins but will be moving to Brainerd soon. He spent 8 years in the Navy and then 8 years in the Minnesota Army National Guard. That included a year in Kuwait.
Jerry's office is in the Crow Wing County office building at 204 Laurel Street in Brainerd, Suite 21. |
December 14, 2021: Terje Floysand joined the Brainerd VFW as a life member. Terje served 28 years in the Army as an artillery crewman in Vietnam 1967-68, then on to Germany among other places. He ended his military career as a First Sergeant (E8). In civilian life Terje was a maintenance supervisor at Metro Transit in Minneapolis.
September 14, 2021: Welcome to new Brainerd VFW member Douglas Maus who moved to Brainerd from Idaho. He spent four years in the Navy, four in the Marines, eight in the Minnesota National Guard and twelve in the Active Guard Reserve. Born in Mississippi, Doug has been all over including a tour in Kuwait 2009-10. As a now retired guy, he was attracted to the Brainerd lakes area for hunting and fishing.
March 26, 2021: David "Dave" Lundmark is a life member of the Brainerd VFW. He was a Staff Sergeant E5 in the Air Force and served in Vietnam 1967-69. Dave's MOS was repairing electronic countermeasures used aboard aircraft, specifically the F4C Phantom. After the service, he worked for Radio Shack in Fort Worth, Texas, and in Minneapolis repairing electronic equipment. Dave is visually impaired, but gets around fine. He is now retired in Brainerd and is sometimes found at the Brainerd VFW in afternoons.
March 12, 2021: Casey Hanson. You'll seen him on Thursday nights calling patrons to pick up their food orders. Casey is the son of Brainerd VFW Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson.
August 11, 2020: Welcome to new member Lawrence Leger of Brainerd. He spent nine years in the regular U.S. Army as an M1 Tank Systems Maintainer, ending up as a Sergeant E5. Lawrence served in Iraq in 2006-2007 and Afghanistan 2011-2012. Currently, he is a diesel engine mechanic at Fleet Pride in Brainerd and is a life member of the VFW.
July 14, 2020: Michael "Devon" Stimpel was a U.S. Army Combat Engineer in Afghanistan 2004-05 and Iraq 2007-08. He lives in Brainerd and is going to college. While here, Devon is a member of the Honor Guard. He wants to be an aerospace engineer. Devon's mother is Sue Sterling, a member of the Brainerd VFW Auxiliary.
Pat Harding comes in to help out on occasion. He retired after 25 years as a deputy sheriff in Hennepin County, part of the Twin Cities metro. Pat is not a veteran, but is glad to volunteer at the VFW. He lives in Baxter, MN.
Pat's father was in the Air Force in the late 50s and early 60s. His grandfather was a Navy man serving in the Philippines during WWII, then commander of the Alexandria, MN, VFW. You'll notice he is wearing a "Grill Sergeant" apron in the kitchen while preparing Wednesday Wings. Thanks, Pat! |
VFW life member Yvette Stoliker joined the Brainerd VFW in 2016. She retired from the U. S, Air Force in 2011, after 20 years of service, including a year in Korea 2003-2004. As a Master Sergeant, her specialty was radiation health. Her service photo from years ago is on the right. Yvette studied for and received an MBA in business management. She enjoys being a part of the community and likes the military connection at the Brainerd VFW. Like many younger members, Yvette reads the monthly Vet’s Gazette post newsletter online at the Brainerd VFW website. That saves printing and postage costs.
July 6, 2019: Mary Lehinger is seen here being welcomed to the Brainerd VFW by Commander Chip Borle. She came from a military family. One grandfather served in WWII and Korea. Another grandfather was in Korea. Her father is a Vietnam veteran. Mary took her basic training at Fort Polk, LA, and spent two years in the National Guard, then two years in the U.S. Army, serving in Somalia 1993-94. Her specialty was communications and transportation. Mary transferred to the Brainerd VFW from Hinckley, MN in June 2019. She is a 6-foot 2-inch member of the Brainerd Honor Guard, a member of the Brainerd American Legion, life member of the DAV, and a life member of the Brainerd VFW.
April 14, 2019: Jason "JT" Turner is one of the bartenders. A friendly guy, he is not a veteran, but his grandfather, William "Ben" Foster, was a WWII veteran. Say hi to JT when you come in. Bartenders and cooks are volunteers, so please tip them to say thanks.

August 8, 2019: Joe and Sharon Adams of Brainerd show up occasionally to do cooking. Joe is a member of the Brainerd American Legion. He and Sharon are glad to help at the VFW....especially on Thursdays when it is "Burger Night." Many thanks!
Crow Wing County's Veteran Service Officer Erik Flowers, a life member of the VFW. In the Army National Guard for nine years, he served in Kosovo as a human resource specialist in 2004. Erik was married in 2005 and has two children.
The Veterans Service Office provides assistance and support to veterans and their dependents. That includes claims assistance, benefit counseling, advocacy, obtaining military discharge documents and assistance with discharge upgrades. The office is open Mon-Fri 8 am to 4:30 pm at 204 Laurel Street, Suite 14, in Brainerd. The phone is 218-824-1058 and toll free at 866-507-1058. Best to call ahead for an appointment. |
March 27, 2019: You'll sometimes find Nicholas "Nick" Krebsbach of Brainerd in the VFW kitchen. Nick is a Marine. As they say, once a Marine, always a Marine. He served as a Combat Engineer in Afghanistan 2004-05 and 2006-07. Then in Iraq 2007-08 with the Minnesota National Guard. That's three tours! He recently helped on an Eagle Scout project rebuilding the speaker platform at Evergreen Cemetery. Nick is now in the Army National Guard and is a Life Member of the Brainerd VFW. His civilian job is as a carpenter at A1 Construction.
Bartenders and cooks are volunteers, so please tip them well to say your thanks. |
March 16, 2019: Randy Lane of Brainerd was Post Commander 1998-99. He is a veteran of the first Gulf War and is often seen in the Brainerd Honor Guard.
January 8, 2019: Gary West is a U.S. Navy veteran. He served 1962-1966 as a diesel mechanic. One of his tours was aboard the USS Donner LSD20 in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Nowadays he is a life member of the Brainerd VFW and a professional driver. Safe, reliable and experienced, car and driver for hire.
Larry Christensen is a life member of the VFW has been a part of the Brainerd Honor Guard since the 1980s. He was an SP5 tank mechanic in the 4th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. Larry spent most of his time near An Khe in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, 1970-71. After returning home, he worked at Potlach in Brainerd making paper. Now retired and living in Baxter, MN, Larry likes to fish when he is not serving on the Honor Guard.
Marty Judd was an infantryman in the U.S. Army 1968 to 1970. He received a Purple Heart while serving in Vietnam. Marty has been in Brainerd Honor Guard for many years. You also see him playing taps on a bugle at many ceremonies. He drives a mid-1950s U.S. Army Jeep around town in the summer and at parades.
Sherri Beaupre of Pine River, Minnesota, is a volunteer at the Brainerd VFW. She was a Staff Sergeant with the U.S. Air Force, serving in Korea. Sherri is a Quartermaster and member of the Jenkins VFW Color Guard. She represents women veterans on the Minnesota state level and is a very outgoing person. Sherri shows up on occasion in Brainerd to see the vets, tend bar, and help with other duties. Thanks, Sherri!
Gabe Williams has been a volunteer at Post 1647 since 2011. He loves cooking so the kitchen is the great place for him. Gabe served in the U.S. Army as a SP4 infantryman. In his six years of service, he participated in Operation Able Sentry in Macedonia back in 1993 and in the Berlin Brigade. Gabe worked at Meyer Cleaners in Brainerd and now works at Spirits of Nisswa, then volunteers at the VFW. Editor's note: Best to stop in and say Hi to Gabe. Remember, he and others are volunteers so please leave a tip to say Thanks.
Ray Frisch is a regular at Post 1647 and is happy guy with a great laugh. He was in the U.S. Army 1952 through 1954 achieving the rank of a Sergeant E5. His job was NCO in charge of officer records while in Incheon, and Busan, South Korea. In civilian life, Ray was an English teacher at Brainerd High School and Brainerd Community College, now known as Central Lakes College, before retiring.
Harry Ruikka of Brainerd served with the U.S. Army in Thailand in the 1960s. He could not be assigned to Vietnam because his twin brother was there at the time. Harry has been in the Brainerd Honor Guard since 1976. You've probably seen him many times in parades and at funerals.
Richard Greenwalt was a Navy Aviation Fire Control Petty Officer 3rd Class, working on bomb systems 1961 - 1965. He served aboard the U.S.S. Constellation (CV-64) aircraft carrier when it operated in the South China Sea at Vietnam as a part of heavy attack squadron 10. Since the war, Richard worked as a salesman for Keebler and is now retired, living with his wife Pearl in Baxter, MN. He is one of the Brainerd VFW trustees and is also a member of the Brainerd Honor Guard since 2009 serving at funerals and parades.
Nettie Palmer has been a volunteer at the Brainerd VFW since 2006 and has two relatives who served in the military. She is a 1972 graduate of Brainerd High School and was recruited, so to speak, by Chuck Hanson, Gambling Manager at the club. Nettie worked in home health care and now helps out where she can at the VFW. That includes helping with cooking, setting tables, and shopping for the kids Christmas party. The list goes on. Nettie said, "I love what I do. If I wasn't having fun, I wouldn't be doing this long."
Bartenders and cooks are volunteers, so please leave a tip to say thanks.
Bartenders and cooks are volunteers, so please leave a tip to say thanks.