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December 27, 2020: The Brainerd VFW Auxiliary purchased socks for veterans at Bethany, Good Samaritan Woodland and Carefree Manor. Santa delivered them in person at Christmas parties.
December 5, 2020: Minnesota VFW's "Fighting" Sixth District held a Zoom meeting in place of the regular in-person meeting. The photo below shows about two-thirds of the participants. Running the VFW requires meetings to keep everything flowing right. All 6th District VFW members are invited to participate and have his or her views known.
November 26, 2020: The annual Brainerd Community Thanksgiving Dinner was held at the Brainerd American Legion. This was a volunteer activity with financial and volunteer support from the Brainerd VFW, the Brainerd Elks and the Brainerd Eagles. Some 1000 meals were delivered by volunteers and 400 were picked up in a drive-thru. There was no indoor dining because of COVID. In the center of the photo is Brainerd Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer carrying food packages. Additional volunteers from the Brainerd VFW were Stan Borle and Richard Schmidt all day Wednesday, then Chuck Hanson and the Shaun Thayer family on Thursday. About ten turkeys were cooked at the Brainerd VFW. Cars were backed up two blocks and donations were accepted to cover costs. Extra food was donated to Adult and Teen Challenge.

October 14, 2020: Local veteran Walt Straka received a Congressional Gold Medal in a ceremony at Edgewood Vista in Brainerd. The award was presented by U.S. Army retired Major General Gerald Lang. Only 168 such medals have been given in our nation's history. Straka was a member of the 194th Tank Regiment that was mobilized just before World War II. He fought bravely in the Philippines before taken prisoner by the Japanese in April 1942. Half of the captives died during the Bataan Death March. Walt survived and, as of this date, was 100 years old. He also received the Minnesota World War II Memorial Medallion and an autographed copy of the book, Thunder on Bataan.
September 30, 2020: "Get the shot, not the Flu" was the theme of this event. Flu shots were given to veterans at the Brainerd VA Clinic. The shots were almost painless and were the type that protect against four flu varieties. Seen there that morning from the Brainerd VFW were Senior Vice Commander Mike Williams and Chaplain Mark Persons. Flu shot schedule. Patients waited in line in their cars for 10 to 15 minutes. Face masks were required. There was a short screening where a VA card needed to be shown.
September 28, 2020: Brainerd VFW Post Chaplain Mark Persons was interviewed on seven area radio stations in September. The subject was the VFW's Voice of Democracy, Patriot's Pen, 5th Grade Essay and Scout of the Year competitions. Hear one of the interviews below.
September 26, 2020: Awards were given at the Minnesota VFW Fall Conference in St. Cloud. Brainerd VFW Commander Chip Borle accepted awards for best website and best newspaper article. Also there from Brainerd were Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson, Auxiliary Treasurer Dawn Garin and Auxiliary member Kari Borle.
September 8, 2020: In a joint meeting of the VFW and Auxiliary, Webmaster Mark Persons explained the fine points of the website.
It was in August that was named as "Best VFW website in Minnesota." That is quite an honor considering there are 208 VFW posts in Minnesota. Eight of them have professionally written sites. This one is a volunteer effort by post member Mark Persons. |
Radio advertising as of August 22, 2020:
Like a military veteran returning from deployment, the Brainerd VFW is open again. The VFW is a friendly place where veterans and non-veterans sit, talk, play cards and enjoy a beverage at some of the lowest prices in town. Charitable gambling at the Brainerd VFW includes pull tabs and E-tabs. Hang in there. Food service and activities are ramping back up. Open seven days a week, the Brainerd VFW is downtown at 309 South 6th Street. Details at
Like a military veteran returning from deployment, the Brainerd VFW is open again. The VFW is a friendly place where veterans and non-veterans sit, talk, play cards and enjoy a beverage at some of the lowest prices in town. Charitable gambling at the Brainerd VFW includes pull tabs and E-tabs. Hang in there. Food service and activities are ramping back up. Open seven days a week, the Brainerd VFW is downtown at 309 South 6th Street. Details at

August 6, 2020, 2 pm: The Nisswa A&W Restaurant gave free root beer floats to anyone donating to Disabled American Veterans this day.
July 31, 2020: Blood is needed to help those suffering from COVID-19. A Red Cross Blood Drive was held at the Brainerd VFW. There was extensive medical screening including taking temperature. One of those donating was Tammy Ebertowski of Brainerd. She is a patriotic person and member of the Brainerd VFW Auxiliary. Tammy dressed as Uncle Sam that day including a face mask with American flags! Some 49 pints of blood were donated that day.
July 22, 2020: The Brainerd VFW provided funds so members of the Captain Robert Orr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution could clean veteran graves. The story was highlighted on Lakeland Public TV.
July 15, 2020: Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer and Chaplain/Webmaster Mark Persons were out working at the All Veterans Memorial in Brainerd. They pulled up some bricks and pavers to adjust their height, then put down sand to fill spaces in between. This was regular maintenance by volunteers.
Brainerd VFW Auxiliary member Tammy Ebertowski was recognized by the Brainerd City Council for many years of selfless volunteer service to the Brainerd community and veterans.
June 15, 2020: Flag Day was moved from Sunday, June 14th, to Monday, June 15, 2020, this year. The Brainerd Honor Guard normally puts on a ceremony at the Good Samaritan-Woodland elderly care facility for 200+ residents on Flag Day. This year they spent two hours walking the lawn performing 21-rifle firing ceremonies with Taps, four times. The best part was playing six different bugle songs and saluting veterans inside with return salutes, through the windows. It brought a tear to many eyes." Click on the photo or here to see the complete story.
May 25, 2020, 3 pm: The Brainerd VFW participated in Taps Across America, a national movement to play Taps in remembrance of those who died fighting for freedom. This 24-note bugle call was performed by Brainerd VFW Commander Chip Borle (on the right) with Taps echo by Charlie Johnson of Brainerd (on the left). Chip is an Iraq War veteran. Charlie is a retired Pillager, MN, band teacher. He had three uncles in WWII, one of them died. Another, a Navy man, died in Vietnam. See the video and audio at:

May 25, 2020, 10 am: Traditional Memorial Day ceremonies in Brainerd were replaced with a Facebook video taken at the All Veterans Memorial at 10 am. The Brainerd Fire Department put out a flag. Wreaths lay at the All Veterans Memorial, representing those lost at sea, the Bataan Death March, Gold Star families, Daughters of the American Revolution, Blue Star mothers, Marines, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion and the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Master of Ceremonies was Bill Satre. Reverend Mark Skinner said the prayers. Flags were raised and lowered. The Honor Guard fired 21 rounds and Marty Judd played Taps. Memorial Day is a national holiday honoring the more that one million servicemen and women who died in service to our country. The event was broadcast live on B93 and Cash 95 radio stations. Photos of the ceremony are below. You can view the video at: In just 24 hours, there were more than 1600 views of the video.
Radio ad, as of May 4, 2020:
Social distancing from friends and family is something that veterans of foreign wars know well. Veterans served, far from home in hostile territory, and are still serving our country in foreign lands fighting for freedom. At home, the VFW is an organization dedicated to helping veterans and the community. The VFW says, “We will get through this and come out with our flags flying high.” The Brainerd VFW looks forward to seeing you after this is over. Learn more at
Social distancing from friends and family is something that veterans of foreign wars know well. Veterans served, far from home in hostile territory, and are still serving our country in foreign lands fighting for freedom. At home, the VFW is an organization dedicated to helping veterans and the community. The VFW says, “We will get through this and come out with our flags flying high.” The Brainerd VFW looks forward to seeing you after this is over. Learn more at
March 14, 2020: The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Brainerd was cancelled, but that didn't stop people in green from enjoying corned beef and cabbage at the Brainerd VFW. More Details. Auxiliary Senior Vice President Helen Doucette reminded visitors that tips are appreciated by the volunteer staff.
March 7, 2020: The annual Polar Plunge event to raise money for Minnesota's Special Olympics was held at Breezy Point, MN. Some 170 brave souls jumped into the icy water of Pelican lake in this effort. The Brainerd Area Lakers were sponsored by the Brainerd VFW. Bergen Hanson, daughter of Brainerd VFW members Chuck and Karen Hanson, was the star of the show. She proudly showed off the traveling trophy for the best team costume contest. Bergen is seen in an orange outfit with the rest of the team. She jumped as well. $73,428 was raised that day in this charity event.
February 28, 2020: A three-hour program was put on at the Brainerd Public Library detailing a history of the Vietnam War. A number of Vietnam veterans attended. Lakeland Public Television Channels 9 and 22 did a story about the event and interviewed Brainerd VFW Chaplain Mark Persons. See:
February 23, 2020: Four members of the Brainerd VFW participated in the Minnesota VFW Pistol Shooting Competition in Rogers, MN. They were Commander Chip Borle, Junior Vice Commander Mike Williams, Quartermaster Pat Wing and Chaplain Mark Persons. It was a good opportunity to meet with veterans from around the state and share ideas. None of the local crew came home with an award although Mike Williams said he scored 800 out of 900 possible points in the .22 class. That would have put him in 4th place, but there was no award for that! Mark Persons said, "Serving in the military doesn't guarantee we are good shots." There is always next year!

February 2, 2020: A Superbowl Party was held at the Brainerd VFW. The place was packed. There was plenty of food and fun even if the Minnesota Vikings were not playing that day. Door prizes too.
January 17-19, 2020: Minnesota VFW Mid-Winter Conference in downtown Minneapolis. Present from the Brainerd VFW were Commander Chip Borle, Senior Vice Commander Dave Meyer, Quartermaster Pat Wing, Chaplain/Webmaster Mark Persons, Gambling Manager Chuck Hanson, Yvette Stoliker and Tim Brastrup, along with Auxiliary members Kari Borle and Paula Persons. State winners of Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy were honored. Lots of interesting sessions. The Brainerd VFW gave a check for $6000 and the Auxiliary $425 to Minnesota VFW.

January 18, 2020: A Bean Bag Tournament was held at the Brainerd VFW. It was run by the men's 35 year and up VFW Softball Team. They did three bean bag tournaments with 28 participants. A big thanks to them for also volunteering at the Sunday breakfast on January 19, 2020. See the team play softball on Friday nights at Memorial field in Brainerd during the summer.
January 1, 2020: New Years Day. The annual Tom and Jerry Party was held for members and guests. Everyone had a good time talking about plans for dieting etc. during the new year. Kitchen volunteers were busy keeping up.